Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Robots in film Research


He was an AI peacekeeping program created by Hank Pym from a code derived from loki’s sceptre. He attempted to create a technological singularity by committing genocide against them. It is made out of the rare metal alloy adamantium.


This robot was a modified version of the NS-5 robot; these robots are more intelligent and efficient with their work


This robot was made in the year 2029 by Skynet, its purpose was to kill Sarah Connor in 1984 to prevent her from giving birth to John Connor so he cannot start the resistance against Skynet. This robot was created to work independently without the help of humans.

Kryten’s design is mainly plastic with mild organic elements, he was made to be a butler and his name refers to the butler in The Admirable Crichton.

Data (Star Trek)
He is an Artificial Intelligence designed and built by Doctor Noonien Soong, he is a self-aware sentient. He serves as the second officer and the chief operations officer aboard the Enterprise.
He also has a positronic brain. 

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